Our Policies

Find a list of our most frequently requested public policies and guidelines here.

Policies & Practices

At AEON, we’re firmly committed to conducting our business with integrity and with respect. The following policies were put in place to ensure a fair environment for all our employees, our partners and the communities we serve.

Code of Conduct Policy

Ethical behaviour is an essential part of the way we choose to operate and function. Beyond the existing standards and regulations, our code of conduct extends to include ethics, trust and values. Our commitment to being a responsibly governed organisation only serves to strengthen stakeholder confidence and sets the benchmark of conduct for the entire organisation as contained in AEON’s Code of Conduct Policy. Overseeing AEON’s corporate ethics and integrity is a working committee that comprises the Chief Governance Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer and Head of Human Resources. A quarterly report is submitted to the Risk Management Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee.

AEON’s trade and non-trade procurement business units have enforced its ‘’Suppliers Code of Ethics’’ (SCOE) on all its business partners affirming their acceptance of this code.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

We are committed to the prevention, deterrence and detection of fraud, bribery and all other corrupt business practices. In line with amendments to the MMLR of Bursa Securities in relation to anti-corruption measures, AEON established an Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) Policy in accordance with the new Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2018 on corporate liability for corruption with effect from 1 June 2020. The development of the ABC policy and procedures, at a minimum, is guided by the Adequate Procedures issued pursuant to Section 17A(5) of the MACC (Amendment) Act 2018.

Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures

At AEON, we hold our employees to high regard, expecting them to conduct themselves  with integrity and honesty. To help develop a culture of accountability, we established a Whistleblowing Policy to recognise the above mentioned values.

This policy is to provide all employees and members of the public an avenue to disclose any improper conduct or irregularity within the Company with assurance that they will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation so good governance can be observed in our company at all times.

AEON Halal Assurance System

While we may have international roots, we whole-heartedly embrace the culture of the local nations we venture into. Introduced 12 years ago, AEON’s Halal Policy is firmly entrenched within our company’s operation. This policy is governed by the Guidelines for Halal Assurance Management System, issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). Adoption of the Halal Assurance System guideline ensures:

  • AEON’s development, implementation and improvement of halal requirement is effective by controlling halal purity and genuineness.
  • It provides a systematic approach to preserving halal integrity of products by ensuring a controlled quality management system through the supply chain.
  • It is absorbed as part of our internal mechanism tool to prevent any non-compliance in producing halal products.
  • AEON’s compliance with JAKIM’s standards and requirements.